Garden Groups
Are you looking for a group of plant lovers who share your passion? Listed is a collection of local gardening clubs and societies that meet regularly. If you would like to have your group listed, send the details to [email protected].
African Violet Club of Greater Kansas City
Meets at 6pm the second Tuesday of the month September through June.
Location: Loose Park Garden Center, 51st and Wornall, Kansas City, MO
Contact: Lynn Canning, [email protected]
Bonner Springs Garden Club
Meets on the third Tuesday of each month except December.
Location: Varies depending on meeting activity each month.
Contact: [email protected]
Bonsai Society of Greater Kansas City
Meets monthly.
Location: Loose Park Garden Center, 51st and Wornall, Kansas City, MO
Contact: (816)513-8590
Gardeners Connect
Location: Loose Park Garden Center, 51st and Wornall, Kansas City, MO and Anita B. Gorman Discovery Center, 4750 Troost Ave., Kansas City, MO
Contact: Operations manager Brian Chadwick-Robinson, [email protected], (913)302-4234
Greater Kansas City Dahlia Society
Meets between March and October at 1pm monthly.
Location: Anita B. Gorman Discovery Center, 4750 Troost Ave., Kansas City, MO
Contact: Email [email protected] with questions or for further information.
Greater Kansas City Gardeners of America
Meets at 6pm the first Monday of the month.
Location: Loose Park Garden Center, 51st and Wornall, Kansas City, MO
Contact: Vince Vogel (816)313-8733, [email protected]
Greater Kansas City Herb Study Group
Meets at noon the second Wednesday each month. Reservations required as we have a variety of eating arrangements – brown bag, potluck and served. Visitors are welcome.
Location: Loose Park Garden Center, 51st and Wornall, Kansas City, MO
Contact: Bonnie Haupt (913)237-6146, [email protected]
Greater Kansas City Iris Society
Meets at 7pm the second Monday of each month March to November.
Location: Trailside Center, on the SE corner of Holmes Rd and 99th St, Kansas City, MO
Contact: Carolyn Ash, (913)486-5337, [email protected],
Heart of America Gesnariad Society
Meets at 9:30pm the third Saturday of the month in January, March, May, July,
August, and November.
Location: Loose Park Garden Center, 51st and Wornall, Kansas City, MO
Contact: Brent Tucker, (816)721-2274, [email protected]
Doris Carson, (417)781-7329, [email protected]
Heartland Peony Society
Meets in the spring and fall.
Contact: Greg Russell, [email protected]
Heartland Hosta and Shade Plant Society
Meets in the spring and fall, as well as an annual plant sale.
Location: Faith Lutheran Church, 4805 W 67th St (SW corner of 67th and Roe), Prairie Village, KS
Contact: Gwen Wheeler (816)228-9308; [email protected]
Independence Garden Club
Meets at 6-8pm the second Monday of the month.
Location: The Sermon Center, corner of Noland and Truman Rds, 4th Floor,
Independence, MO
Contact: Darla Wolters (816)836-2914, or Donna Dowell (816)812-3067
Idalia Butterfly Society
Meets at 5pm, second Saturdays of March, June, and September with refreshments, social time and educational programs. Visitors welcome. See Events section of our Facebook page ( for program details and social event calendar.
Location: Matt Ross Community Center 8101 Marty St, Overland Park, KS 66204
Contact: Lenora Larson ([email protected]) or Elizabeth Stoakes (call/text 816-795-8177 or email [email protected]).
Kansas City Cactus and Succulent Society
Meets monthly.
Location: Trailside Center, 9901 Holmes Rd, Kansas City, MO
Contact: (816)444-9321
Kansas City Garden Club
Meets at 10am the first Monday of the month, except Jan and Feb.
Location: Loose Park Garden Center, 5200 Pennsylvania, Kansas City, MO
Contact: (816)741-3705
Kansas City Rose Society
Meets monthly.
Location: Loose Park Garden Center, 51st and Wornall, Kansas City, MO
Contact: (816)513-8590
Kansas Native Plant Society
No regular meetings. Free classes and wildflower walks are scheduled and open to the public.
Contact: See website; Events are listed on Events Calendar subpage at:
Leawood Garden Club
Meets at 10:30am the fourth Tuesday of the month, except for May (a members only garden tour), July, August, and December. If Johnson County Catholic Schools are closed due to weather, the club does not meet.
Location: Cure of Ars Catholic Church, 9401 Mission Rd, Leawood, KS
Contact: Debi Cook, [email protected]
Leawood Garden Club
Lee’s Summit Garden Club
Meets at 7pm the second Tuesday of the month.
Location: Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, Sept, Oct and Nov at Winterset Park Community Center, 2505 S W Wintercreek Dr, Lee’s Summit, MO 64081. May, Jun, Jul, and Aug meetings are for garden tours and other activities. See web site for details.
Contact: Sharon Sommer (816)540-4036 or Della Turner (816)807-8992
Lenexa Field and Garden Club
Meets at 7pm the second Tuesday every month March through October. Meeting time may vary depending on the program.
Location: Meeting place changes month to month
Contact: [email protected]
Lexington Garden Club
We meet monthly, February-November on the 4th Thursday of the month at 1:30pm Location: Christ Episcopal Church, 13th and Franklin St., Lexington MO.
Contact: (816) 572-7774
Master Gardeners of Cass County
Meets at 6pm the second Thursday of every month.
Location: Cass County Extension Office, 201 W Wall St, Harrisonville, MO
Contact: Darlene Arnett, (816)380-8460
Mid America Begonia Society
Meets at 1:30pm the third Saturday of the month in January, March, May, July, August, and November.
Location: Loose Park Garden Center, 51st and Wornall, Kansas City, MO
Contact: Brent Tucker, (816)721-2274, [email protected]
Linda Tamblyn, (913)231-1020, [email protected]
MoKan Daylily Society
Meets five times a year in February, April, June, October, and December
Social 10:30am, Potluck meal 11am, meeting follows
Location: Asbury United Methodist Church, 5400 W 75th St, Prairie Village, KS 66208
Contact: (816) 985-4785
MU Extension Master Gardeners of Platte County
Location: Varies depending on meeting activity each month
Contact: or [email protected]
Northland Garden Club
Meets at 7pm the third Tuesday of each month.
Location: Sherwood Bible Church, 4900 N Norton, Kansas City, MO
Contact: Ann Fine (816)452-6325, [email protected]
Olathe Garden & Civic Club
Meets at 1pm the third Tuesday each month, unless going on a tour.
Location: Varies each month
Contact: Julie Pickerill (913)486-0079, [email protected]
Orchid Society of Greater Kansas City
Meets at 1:30pm the second Sunday each month.
Location: Lenexa Senior/Community Center, 13420 Oak St, Lenexa, KS
Raytown Garden Club
Meets at 10am the first Tuesday each month, February through November.
Location: Connection Point Church, 10500 E 350 Hwy, Raytown, MO 64138
Contact: Carol Abbott (816)356-4889
Check out our Facebook page:
Shawnee Garden Club
Meets at 7pm the first Thursday of each month except January.
Location: Town Hall of Old Shawnee Town, 11600 Johnson Dr, Shawnee, KS
Sho-Me African Violet Club
Meets at 10am the second Friday of the month.
Location: Loose Park Garden Center, 51st and Wornall, Kansas City, MO
Contact: (816)513-8590
Water Garden Society of Greater Kansas City
Meets at 6:30pm the third Tuesday of the month.
Location: Our Lady of Sorrows Church, 2552 Gillham Rd, Kansas City, MO
Contact: Ted Tschirhart, [email protected]