What kind of weather is expected in December?
for the month of DECEMBER?
Highs and Lows
avg temp 34°
avg high temp 42°
avg low temp 26°
Clear or Cloudy
avg nbr of clear days 10
avg nbr of cloudy days 15
Rain and Snow
avg snowfall 4.4″
avg rainfall 1.5″
avg nbr of rainy days 8
Source: weatherspark.com
Planting Dates
Plant Above-Ground Crops:
3, 4, 8, 9, 12, 13, 30, 31
Plant Root Crops:
16, 17
Control Pests:
22, 28, 29
8, 9, 12, 13
Plant Flowers:
3, 4, 8, 30, 31
Moon Phases
New Moon: 1st
First Quarter: 8th
Full Moon: 15th
Last Quarter: 22nd
New Moon: 30th
Source: Harris’ Farmer’s Almanac